| 3d Scanning, Computer Aided Inspection, Metrology
3D Scanning parts is faster and more efficient than any other form of capturing measurements. Scanning captures all edge breaks, fillets, chamfers, and other aspects that may have been missed during the design process. With a complete and detailed representation of...
| 3d Scanning, Additive Manufacturing, Metrology, Reverse Engineering
With 3D Scanning, Revs Institute was able capture millions of data points on rare vehicles that will allow extraction of any measurements needed to make the right restoration, conservation, and preservation decisions. The Revs Institute, a museum in Naples, Florida,...
| 3d Scanning, Additive Manufacturing, Computer Aided Inspection, Reverse Engineering
In the motorsports industry, 3D Scanning is becoming the primary tool engineer teams use in order to optimize both their designs and assemblies. The pre-season is when race car finessing begins. It’s a crucial time, as designers and quality control experts must...
| 3d Scanning, Computer Aided Inspection, Metrology, Reverse Engineering
Instead of starting from scratch when designing a part or product, reverse engineering makes it possible to 3D Scan an existing component and use its surface data as the basis for developing new designs or improving upon old ones. Using a variety of design software...
| Additive Manufacturing, 3d Printing, 3d Scanning
At NeoMetrix, we are pleased to announce that 2023 marks our 20th year anniversary. So many things have changed over the past 20 years, but one thing remains the same: we continue to strive to provide cost effective 3D products and services to help our customers...